Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Watts Family Begins... : Happy, Healthy Pregnancy - 50 Things ...

It will probably come as no surprise to my readers that we will be thinking about starting our family in the near future.

Being a complete 'worry wart', I am trying to read up on every thing I possibly can when it comes to pregnancy.?Hand over a fresh new born baby to me and I think I could cope pretty well having grown up with baby cousins and since had three nephews to help out with. However, throw me in to a pregnancy situation (not to mention the actual birth), I would be terrified at the daunting prospect!

When I was asked if I would like to review the "Happy, Healthy Pregnancy - 50 Things You Really Need to Know" book by Ali Monaghan (an author who has a masters degree in midwifery,?a young family?and has delivered over 400 babies) I was intrigued. What would this book offer that those I had already seen wouldn't?

The book is condensed into 50 sections - covering everything from announcing your pregnancy to dealing with change in hormones, to safe guarding & baby proofing your home, to birth and everything in between.

There are tips from real life parents which I found really useful - rather than just the 'textbook' style of parenting.

I really like the way that the book has been split into easy to digest sections. I have been able to pick the book up and read a section at?a time without having to take in lots of information filled with?medical terms that are difficult to understand (and will probably make me worry even more!)

We were also sent the "Fantastic First-Time Father - 50 Things You Really Need to Know" by Tim Mungeam (the Chief Executive of Springboard for Children, Director of Dads Unlimited, Father of three sons and married to a midwife)

So I am told by my husband, this book is also written in 50 sections - digestible bite sized chunks. A book that can be picked up as and when, to be referred to when needed. With real life experience tips it is a great guide for first time Dads to help them feel prepared and helpful during the pregnancy.

After flicking through both of these books, I will definitely be reading through them in more detail?as and when our time comes. I can see them being used as reference & reassurance guides quite a lot!

"Happy, Healthy Pregnancy - 50 Things You Really Need to Know" is currently available on Amazon for ?6.89

"Fantastic First-Time Father - 50 Things You Really Need to Know" is currently available on Amazon for ?7.99

Disclaimer: I was sent?a copy of both books?for the purpose of this review. All words are honest and my own


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